Terms & Conditions

In continuing to use this website and/or proceeding with your order(s) you are deemed to have read and agreed to the following Terms and Conditions:

We are committed to protecting your privacy. Authorized employees within Company use any information collected from individual customers to help process orders on a need to know basis only. We constantly review our systems and data to ensure the best possible service to our customers. We do not sell names or lists to other third parties. Clients have the right to request sight of, and copies of any and all of their respective records we keep, on the provision that we are given reasonable notice of such a request. For more details refer to our Privacy Policy page.

BraceShirts.com is an informational and referrals website only and does not have for sale and products or services. The Information is provided on an “as is” basis. 

To the fullest extent permitted by law, this Company:

(i) excludes all representations and warranties relating to Information, including in relation to any inaccuracies or omissions in this website and/or Company’s literature; and

(ii) excludes all liability for damages arising out of or in connection with your use of Information. This includes, without limitation, injury, direct loss, damage caused to your computer, computer software, systems and programs and the data thereon or any other direct or indirect, consequential and incidental damages.

The above exclusions and limitations apply only to the extent permitted by law. None of your statutory rights as a consumer are affected.

These Terms and Conditions form part of the agreement between the you the Client, and Company. Your accessing of this website and/or purchasing and wearing and shirts form our referral links indicates your understanding, agreement to and acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. Your statutory Consumer Rights are unaffected. By accessing this website and/or ordering products from our links you thereby indemnify this Company, its employees, agents and affiliates against any loss or damage, in whatever manner, howsoever caused.

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